1550 Cobb Industrial Dr. | P.O. Box 9098 | Marietta, GA 30065-2098
770-425-1355 (Phone) | 770-425-1354 (Fax) | info@alliedcorrosion.com (Email)
©2018 Allied Corrosion. All rights Reserved.
Made with ❤ by Mighty Good Marketing
Zeriol MCO is a preservative oil designed to provide long term corrosion protection of metal surfaces. Zeriol MCO covers engine oils for break-in, and lubrication of reciprocating internal combustion engines of both spark-ignition and compression-ignition types, and of power transmission fluid applications in equipment used in combat/tactical service. Available in grades as noted in charts below.
Zeriol MCO is available in UN approved 5 gallon pail.
*Special sizes available upon request.
1550 Cobb Industrial Dr. | P.O. Box 9098 | Marietta, GA 30065-2098
770-425-1355 (Phone) | 770-425-1354 (Fax) | info@alliedcorrosion.com (Email)
Made with ❤ by Mighty Good Marketing
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