1550 Cobb Industrial Dr. | P.O. Box 9098 | Marietta, GA 30065-2098
770-425-1355 (Phone) | 770-425-1354 (Fax) | info@alliedcorrosion.com (Email)
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The PM-303 Dome Marker is molded from specially formulated plastics with UV inhibitors. The materials are resistant to solvents and stress cracking. Its 360° cylinder shape and height insures that the Marker can be seen from all angles on the ground and by air patrols. The PM-303 Dome Marker can withstand a shotgun blast from 50 feet and a vehicle impact of 45 mph. Custom graphics are molded on and etched into the Marker with the Pro-Mark graphic system that is guaranteed not to fade, peel or chip. Markers are also available with a (PM-TS3) Test Station and/or Vent. All Markers come complete with anchor bar. Custom colors, lengths and other special requirements are available by request.
1550 Cobb Industrial Dr. | P.O. Box 9098 | Marietta, GA 30065-2098
770-425-1355 (Phone) | 770-425-1354 (Fax) | info@alliedcorrosion.com (Email)
Made with ❤ by Mighty Good Marketing
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