1550 Cobb Industrial Dr. | P.O. Box 9098 | Marietta, GA 30065-2098
770-425-1355 (Phone) | 770-425-1354 (Fax) | info@alliedcorrosion.com (Email)
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PermaPlug is an environmentally safe product designed to plug and seal earth holes to prevent surface fluids from contaminating underground aquifers.
Loresco PermaPlug provides the cathodic protection industry with a method to plug and seal earth holes. PermaPlug is environmentally safe and when properly installed, prevents the contamination of underground aquifers from surface fluids.
PermaPlug produces a permanent non-porous molding-clay seal. Manufactured from naturally occurring Bentonite, PermaPlug contains no additional chemicals. Installation is easy requiring no tools or pumps. Simply open the bag and pour.
PermaPlug prevents the deterioration of underground water quality and is environmentally accepted for use in the vacinity of potable drinking water.
Proper application of PermaPlug requires minimum instruction. PermaPlug is inexpensive, easy to install and requires no special tools.
When installing PermaPlug above carbon Backfill, insure complete Backfill settling before beginning PermaPlug installation.
Once in place, PermaPlug will expand to seal the earth hole.
PermaPlug is shipped on stretch wrapped pallets. Each pallet contains 3,150 lbs. of PermaPlug. material should not be handled roughly before installation-fracturing of particles will occur. PermaPlug is shipped in water-resistant bags, but must be stored out of the weather due to moisture sensitivity.
PermaPlug will completely seal earth holes when applied properly. It is strongly advised to utilize a vent pipe for the release of gases and as a facility for water addition if needed. The AllVent breather pipe is recommended. Specifically manufactured for deep cathodic protection systems, AllVent stays open and does not plug with Backfill.
Loresco products are shipped in 501 pound (22.7 kg) coated, woven polypropylene2 bags. Products may be stored outside for limited periods (not to exceed four hundred hours of sunlight). Pallets are available with 501 bags per pallet. Proven export packaging is also available.
(1) SW is shipped with 40 bags per pallet. EnviroCoke IV™ is shipped with 45 bags per pallet.
(2) EnviroCoke IV™ is packaged in 50-pound plastic-lined multi-wall paper bags.
1550 Cobb Industrial Dr. | P.O. Box 9098 | Marietta, GA 30065-2098
770-425-1355 (Phone) | 770-425-1354 (Fax) | info@alliedcorrosion.com (Email)
Made with ❤ by Mighty Good Marketing
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