Soil Box and Soil Cylinder

Soil Box and Soil Cylinder

The Miller Soil Boxes and Soil Cylinder are compatible with 4-Terminal Resistance Meters such as the Miller 400A, the Miller 400D and the Nilsson 400 Resistance Meters.

Soil Boxes

Large Soil Box

Cat. # 37008

Small Soil Box

Cat. # 37006

M. C. Miller Soil Boxes

Miller Soil Boxes can be used to satisfy either the 4-electrode method (ASTM G57 Standard) or the 2-electrode methods (ASTM G187 or AASHTO T-288 Standards). For the 2-electrode method, the two interior pins are removed which changes the multiplication factor from 1cm (for the 4-electrode method) to either 0.67cm for the small box or to 0.57cm for the large box.

Construction Materials:

  • Plexiglass body with rounded corners for easy cleaning.
  • Stainless steel current distribution plates and removable brass pins (potential measurement pins).

Critical Dimensions

(for 4-electrode method, i.e. the two interior pins are in use):

The soil boxes are designed such that the cross-sectional area of the soil (or liquid) sample (A), with the box filled level, divided by the separation between the pins (L) is equal to 1cm.

Small Soil Box:

Cross-sectional area = 3cm x 2.4cm = 7.2cm2
Pin separation = 7.2cm
A/L = 1cm

Large Soil Box:

Cross-sectional area = 4cm x 3.2cm = 12.8cm2
Pin separation = 12.8cm
A/L = 1cm

Soil Cylinder

M. C. Miller Soil Cylinder

The Miller Soil Cylinder can be used to satisfy either of the 2-electrode methods (ASTM G187 or AASHTO T-288 Standards).

Based on the geometry of the cylindrical system [interior diameter =16.5cm (approx) and separation between the conducting end plates = 13cm (approx)], the multiplication factor for the soil cylinder is 16.25cm.

Construction Materials:

The body of the Soil Cylinder comprises Plexiglas (allowing easy viewing of sample) and PVC components and the current distribution plates (conducting end plates) are stainless steel. Rubber O-rings provide sealing for the two end caps.

Features and Benefits:

  • Large sample volume [approximately 2,714 cm3 (2.714 liters)]
  • Can accommodate crushed-rock samples as well as regular soils and liquids
  • Water can be added in-situ for sample saturation (de-ionized water, simulated rain water etc.)
  • Closed, air-tight volume — Field collected samples can be immediately “installed” in the cylinder, as opposed to filling a separate container for transportation, in which case the samples are stored under air-tight, sealed conditions. This means that resistance readings taken at a later stage will be representative of the “as-found” condition of the sample.
  • Cylinder can act as a “mold” for crushed rock sample creation

Test Leads for Miller Soil Boxes and Soil Cylinder (Cat. #37009)

M. C. Miller Soil Box Test Leads

Consists of 4 test leads (2 red/2 black) each with a banana plug on one end and a pointed plug on the other end for connection to a 4-Terminal Resistance Meter and to a soil box or soil cylinder, respectively.

Soil Box and Soil Cylinder

Soil Box and Soil Cylinder

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